
123. (TWOK/ERROR) [Ios] 정책 - 정확한 메타 데이터 - Guideline 2.3.3 - Performance Accurate Metadata 본문

투케이2K 에러관리

123. (TWOK/ERROR) [Ios] 정책 - 정확한 메타 데이터 - Guideline 2.3.3 - Performance Accurate Metadata

투케이2K 2022. 11. 21. 18:12

[환경 설정 및 설명]

프로그램 : Xcode

설 명 : 정책 - 정확한 메타 데이터 - Guideline 2.3.3 - Performance Accurate Metadata


[에러 원인]

1. 애플 디벨로퍼 앱 정보에 등록 한 화면 스크린 샷 개수가 미달 및 앱 사용 정보 부족으로 인해 리젝 이슈

Guideline 2.3.3 - Performance - Accurate Metadata

We noticed that your screenshots do not sufficiently show your app in use. Specifically, your 12.9-inch iPad Pro, iPhone 14 pro, 6.5-inch iPhone, and 5.5-inch iPhone screenshots do not show the actual app in use in the majority of the screenshots. It would be appropriate to include additional screenshots that highlight the app’s core features.

To help users understand your app’s functionality and value, your screenshots should highlight your app's core concept. For example, a gaming app should feature screenshots that capture actual gameplay within the app.

Next Steps

Please revise your screenshots to ensure that they accurately reflect the app in use on the supported devices.

Keep in mind the following requirements:

- Marketing or promotional materials that do not reflect the UI of the app are not appropriate for screenshots.

- The majority of the screenshots should highlight your app's main features and functionality.

- Confirm that your app looks and behaves identically in all languages and on all supported devices.

- Make sure that the screenshots show your app in use on the correct device. For example, iPhone screenshots should be taken on iPhone, not on iPad.

[해결 방법]

1. 애플디벨로퍼 접속 수행

2. 앱 정보 >> iOS 미리보기 및 스크린샷 메뉴 확인

3. [필수] 라고 표시된 곳에 화면 스크린 샷 4개이상 , 앱 구동 중요 정보를 포함하는 사진 등록 실시

